
Am gasit un plic pe care nu scria nimic si era sigilat.Nu stiu de ce.Am gasit in el o poezie scrisa de mine pentru … prima mea prietena cred? Iulia? Habar n-am.M-am decis sa o public. Aveam probabil 14 ani cand am scris-o. Norii-s pe cerSi noi pe pamant.Am sa-ti spun o tainaSi-un juramantCat timp […]


For Dota players : Battle.net servers have started a new league called the Div League. What is it about? Well .. the coders from bnet developed a bot that automaticly creats games and master them.The league is split into public ( SAFELIST ) and Vip ( abobe 1000 points ). So let’s say you have […]